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Reviewer: Gojirob Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Nov 2009 03:51 Title: Epilogue

Very creepy and very HPL. Especially disturbing in that the Pagh Wraiths weren't even truly players in this. Bonus points for O'Brien not being the chew toy. Having dabbled in eldritch cosmic horror fic, I know a good story when I see one, and this was good.

Author's Response: Thank you very much! HPL was of course a huge influence for this story. I can't get enough of that pulp style horror and proto-sci fi. I read it as an early teen and again as a much older adult, and this time around I had a much greater appreciation for the genius of Lovecraft and those who wrote in his Mythos. O'Brien suffers enough as it is, it seems, so I felt no need to contribute to that. I'm glad you enjoyed, and I appreciate the review.

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2009 06:31 Title: Epilogue

Wow...very creepy indeed.

So does Jake have to always keep that artifact with him now, to keep the energy being at bay?

And I do like that the s'lghths turned out to be good people even though stern--at least some of them.

Author's Response: In theory he does. They might find some other way to keep it away, but if he ever found himself without protection, it would come for him again and try to consume him.

I'm not a fan of cookie cutter villain races, so I wanted them to have some variety to their motives. Their back story got pretty huge in my head, but I didn't feel it would serve the story to put too much of it in. The s'lghths themselves wouldn't want to go into some long dissertation of their history as they find the whole cultist incident deeply shameful.

I'm glad it was creepy. That's what I wanted! Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Aug 2009 21:14 Title: Epilogue

A fitting, if chilling, finish.

Author's Response: There was no way I could give this a happy, shiny ending. >:)

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