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Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jun 2013 22:49 Title: Chapter 16

You tell him, Adele! I like how she handles things candidly, honestly. It's really damned refreshing, and it cuts through a whole lot of bullshit. Chris Pike would like this woman a lot. Jim Kirk, maybe not so much.

And man, her line about angst-filled stares? Sheer genius. I'm interested to see where it goes when Icheb goes to deal with Maren. Lord knows, he cocked it up good and proper with that one, and I know from all you and others have said that it doesn't get resolved, but the mark of a good writer is that you so totally do make me wistfully want to click the next button to see if maybe, just maybe, it'll be somehow different in the next chapter.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Apr 2012 00:17 Title: Chapter 16

Wow! Amazing; this is like a cross between DS9/VOY and a soap opera. All these main characters, Adela, Icheb, Maren... They generate strong feelings from the writing and in the reader. Plus I like Adele's hands on approach to the professional/personal balance a Starfleet officer faces.

Author's Response: Thank you! I really tried to make it emotionally compelling. I'm glad that for you, it succeeded!

Reviewer: Gul Rejal Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03 Nov 2010 23:41 Title: Chapter 16

Ah, that's where I have arrived within the first day of reading :)

Seems like their main mission didn't start yet but their hands are full already. Past relationships, current relationships, mysterious accident at Aris 4 (something tells me it's not the last time we hear about it).

I like Icheb, I think you caught his personality quite well :) I was surprised (positively surprised) to see Bashir. Your characters are lively and have very distinct personalities; there is something to tell about each of them.

I like it!

Author's Response:

Wow, thanks, Gul Rejal!  I'm so pleased to see you've checked Tesseract out, and totally excited that you like it.  It's always such a treat to get a new reader ... I hope you continue to enjoy the characters and the story.  :)

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2009 14:59 Title: Chapter 16

As Gibraltar has expressed, Adel's run ins with the advisory council is bad enough without the manner in which Icheb is grilled and treated. it bodes badly if theings should go awry and the captain goes missing or is incapacitated by accident or intent. Will the council, given the grilling and mistrust towards Icheb, allow him to take command? A potent question full of dramatic possibilities.

I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that if things go pear shaped the council might try to push the envelope on what exactly its powers are and the remit of its authority. Follwoing what happened at the meeting as related by Icheb and Adele I'm more convinced than ever that Berkley cannot be trusted and your witch of a one is either in league or being manipulated by the Admiral. All bodes bad in my book.

And Icheb getting 'jealous' about John with Maran. Hmm ... I had thought too of the love triangle possibility - certainly complication - but then I'm shipping your crew already and that's not something I ever do in a fan fic - just something struck me with this.  I guess it the potential for interpersonal dynamics with a seven year mission.

Adele isn't afraid to use her own personal experiences to guide Icheb either in his personal life - offering sage advice, even though it could cause complications on a professional level for her and Icheb. I think it is telling and a very brave character of Adele to open up in this manner to former Borg drone rather hapless in the situation. Her grief and loss informs her life but she uses it to help Icheb with his.

Great interaction and character moments here. Captain and No.1 trying to meet on common ground on a matter of issues. Trying to feel out their command relationship, so vital to a working ship and crew harmony. Although, Icheb is very informative in his ideas for future handlings of the council he cannot offer much [or hasn't at least so far] in terms of offering friendship or support that Adele has shown him. So they have a way to go yet but this is a good beginning. Although Adele might have to go elsewhere to seek friendship and counsel. I wonder who?

Very good, nicely grounded and top notch characterisation.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Aug 2009 05:24 Title: Chapter 16

That was a very nice, very laid back captain and first officer moment.  For all his intelligence, knowledge of the Delta Quadrant, and Borg-savvy, Icheb is emotionally very young (as his interactions with Maren have underscored).  I appreciated that Adele is able to use her own personal history to encourage appropriate relationships among her senior staff, rather than freezing any possibility of a reunion between those two for seven long years.

As she herself realizes, she's going to have to trust in him, in his loyalty and his judgment, or this mission doesn't have a chance at success.

And as much as I worry about Adele's being able to stand strong against a unified advisory board, what happens the first time the captain is abducted or incapacitated, and Icheb has to take a stand against them?  Will they usurp his authority?  And part of me wonders if the attorney wasn't directed by the admiral to savage Icheb while he observed, probing for weaknesses.

Wonderful material here with very strong characterizations filling in the gaps in our knowledge of these very real characters.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Aug 2009 04:23 Title: Chapter 16

There we go. The captain makes a much needed visit with the crew and her Number One (Picard must be tickled his nickname caught on).

Hopefully, Icheb can patch things up-I want to see the two kids get back together, but I have a sickening feeling that advisory board is going to be poking their noses in Icheb's business.

Great chapter.

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