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Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Aug 2009 20:09 Title: Chapter 1

Don't know where you are going but it sure is a unique start.

Author's Response: Thanks! I hope you like where it went. I had fun writing it.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Aug 2009 15:16 Title: Chapter 1

Oh creepy. I love the slow, normalised approach you took here. A slow burner with an unusual turn. There's every chance that thses little things are no harm at all but then I doubt there'd be a story in it. ;)

But I love the sudden downpour of this infestation that is alarming and creepy. And I think given the way you've introduced it, means to say you have got plenty more of this to come with a lot of creeps and scares.

The Sisko / Jake relationship was wonderfully portrayed to. Spot on, with nice visualisation and reactions in the chapter of the pair. Jake embarrassed by the Emissary title and of course coupled with typical teenage mood. Loved too how over dinner they bonded more so, chatted more freely. Food and dinner is important to their relationship - we see that onscreen and given the importance food would have to Sisko's dad as a chef no wonder then they enjoy the sharing of a meal. I know a small point but one I thought I'd comment and congratulate you on. It's in the detail as they say.

I also loved the Bajoran festival and ritual and I wonder if this is linked in anyway to it. But it seemed very spiritual and Bajoran like though I don't recall seeing the like before so I don't know if canon or not. But the feeling it evoked and the manner in which Sisko's fatherly instincts and widower grief manifested in it was nicely done. Very well done PSGarak.

Author's Response: My own particular take on horror is that it is most effective set against the backdrop of the mundane and comfortable. It's the sense of being jolted out of a good place and pitched into somewhere terrible and the idea that it can happen at any moment that gets me going with it. I always enjoyed the Sisko family, and I loved the portrayal of the father/son relationship on DS9. It was one of the most natural, realistic family dynamics I've ever seen on television. It was really important to me to try to highlight that and of course the food connection. As you said, that was always important to them, too. The festival info for Bajor was canon. I tried to flesh it out a little more, but the details came from the show. I know a lot of people didn't care for the Bajoran mysticism and faith, but I found it a strength of DS9, not a detriment. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and to review. I really appreciate the feedback!

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