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Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jun 2013 22:06 Title: Chapter 15

John was kind of a jerk, earlier, though it's good that he redeems himself by the end. I suppose because it's trying to guilt-trip someone who got hurt by someone else into reconciling with them. You can kind of see the influences of his childhood on him there; peacemaker, not necessarily in the right manner.

I also liked Maren's discomfiture with the slipstream drive. With warp, you feel like you're moving. With slipstream, I'd think it'd be a whole lot more surreal.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Apr 2012 00:03 Title: Chapter 15

Nice little piece about Maren, and I like your use of swear words in the dialogue. Really adds some punch!

Author's Response: Where there is JQ, there is potty mouth. He is what he is. :)

Reviewer: Enterprise1981 Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Apr 2010 02:03 Title: Chapter 15

Amusing little scene there. Now that I think of it, maybe Tuvok is still on the Titan deep in the Beta Quadrant... not that fan-fiction writers completely go along with the Pocket Books novels.

Author's Response:

This story is pretty disconnected from the Pocket Books novels because I haven't read them.  I've heard rumors about what happens (i.e. Janeway's end and the Borg disappearing), but that's about it.  Glad to see you're still reading.  Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Aug 2009 13:21 Title: Chapter 15

I loved this chapter kes7. The interaction and dialogue between JQ and Maren was fun and illuminating. They said a lot about the other's character and traits. Obviously knowing each other so well means that they have a good read on one another. His concern to fill in her tactical training is touching but I think he also knew that she needed and opportunity to blow off steam and to be hitting something. I loved to how she was embarrassed about hitting Icheb but decided she was liking hitting John as the training progressed. There were lots of other funny lines and moments peppered throughout their conversation.

Likewise, I was impressed at Maren's recollections of youth and her aspirations to go out into the stars. It was related in a very clear and simple way but bespoke a lot of her character and dreams. It was very well put together chapter encompassing quite a lot, with different little scenes but devoted to characterisation. A real strength to your writing plus it gives the reader a happy contented feeling. Well done and I like the time out to explore the characters more. Hopefully this transit to the DQ will afford some more pieces like this. But that's just me being greedy.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Aug 2009 07:56 Title: Chapter 15

This is the kind of genuine character interplay that creates 3-dimensional people, not just fictional caricatures. I think I learned more about both Maren and Quigley in this segment than anytime previously. Both have their issues, their strengths, and their weaknesses, but they're going to need to build upon the trust they have in each other for the crises that are surely to come in the next seven years.

Really top notch stuff!

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Aug 2009 02:02 Title: Chapter 15

Way to Go John! That's the way to help out a friend (and be exactly the person the captain is telling him not to be...way to go disobeying orders!)


Love the whole chapter.

Author's Response:

Well, he's a tactical officer and he was helping a fellow officer improve her tactical skills ... at least that's what he'd probably tell the Captain if he ever got called out on it.  :) In all seriousness, though, Adele never said he couldn't HAVE friends ... just not to let friendships get in the way of duty.  The only thin ice I see here is his advice to Maren regarding Icheb ... but then, Maren doesn't sound terribly interested in taking his relationship advice ... I guess we'll see what happens. ;-) 

Thanks for the review, and for reading!

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