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Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jun 2013 04:10 Title: Chapter 7

That is absolutely fascinating. And also scary. You don't do anything on a small scale, do you? Lord, a bunch of blown Borg cubes, and a subspace tear and a decimated colony. Definitely a fiery first mission for the Tesseract's crew. I am definitely looking forward to the explanation for it.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2012 23:12 Title: Chapter 7

So the Borg have somehow arrived in the Alpha Quadrant, but something messed them up; thus the plot begins (and thickens). Two somewhat disconcerting things for me was one, that scene change (maybe space it out with a divider to clearly differentiate it) and two, the multiple perspectives from different characters. I don't mind strict 3rd or a loose 3rd that doesn't precisely tell one particular character's feelings and thoughts. But jumping around from three (could have been more) was a little disorientating, plus a little annoying.

Author's Response: Thanks for the feedback. I think that chapter was the worst in terms of headhopping. I think (hope!) I got better later, but you're right, that was awkwardly written.

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