Reviews For Embers of the Fire
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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 28 Jun 2021 20:35 Title: Chapter 2

Very well written interaction between Sandhurst and Ramirez - a good decision on his part to simply be brutally honest. Probably the only way to gain her respect and best cooperation. 

Her reaction to the disappointment of not receiving the command she wanted kind of demonstrates she's not ready for it.

I also enjoyed the little humanizing detail of Sandhurst scratching his ear as well as the exchange between him and Lar'rogos.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response:

Yes, Ramirez thought being on the admiral's staff was her golden ticket to her own command, and she's angry to have been knocked off course.

Thanks again for the awesome feedback!

Reviewer: Erin Moriarty Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Sep 2014 01:23 Title: Chapter 2

Oooh, so many things that I like in here. I like the difficulties that a smaller, older ship are going to cause. I like that this isn't a "Starfleet's finest" sort of situation, but rather a "this is who we could throw together with limited time and resources." I love the resentment and conflict between CO and XO.

Something tells me smooth sailing isn't in Gibraltar's future... at least no time soon.

I am struck, however, with an urge to sneak on the bridge, set up a bunch of holoemitters and make it look like it's 23rd century incarnation.

Author's Response:

But actual buttons and switches would bruise their delicate, 24th century fingers! ;-)

Reviewer: TemplarSora Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jun 2012 09:34 Title: Chapter 2

I have a feeling I'm going to like Ramirez, lol.

Author's Response:

She's a firebrand when she feels she's been backed into a corner.  ;-)

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 May 2012 13:52 Title: Chapter 2

That scene with Sandhurst and Ramirez is sort of reminiscent to Sisko encountering Kira for the first time. Both Kira and Ramirez don't want to be in their respective posts, but I'm not sure how much Ramirez hates the Cardassians (so there the similarities end).

I'm glad to see we're off and not going to be bogged down with more crew or main character introductions. Even so I wonder if the Cardassians could really wage another war against the Federation giving that most of their planets were brutally attacked by the Dominion/Breen and most of their people slaughtered.

Also would the Romulans take such a hostile approach to managing their portion of Cardassian territory when there is the Federation between such territory and the Romulan Star Empire? Surely strategically the Romulans would be fools to cheese off the Federation and Klingons as there position in occupied Cardassian space could be so easily cut off...

Author's Response:

Ramirez definitely does not want to be aboard the ship.  She had her career mapped out, and this little detour wasn't on it.

The Cardassians are in no condition to wage a conventional war against the Federation or its allies, but they can certainly entertain the idea of fighting asymmetrically.  And the Romulans aren't being outright hostile, just not as cooperative (or communicative) as they were during the war.

Thanks for the terrific feedback!

Reviewer: David Lowbridge Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 19 Apr 2011 22:00 Title: Chapter 2

An excellent chapter with some great introductions. The ship certainly has its charm and god knows I love the old ships as much as I love the new ones. Ramirez seems like a great character which could develop over time. Looking forward to more.

Author's Response:

Yes, Ramirez is an interesting sort, thought she brings a lot of baggage with her to this assignment.  ;)

Reviewer: vincenthugo Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jun 2010 01:36 Title: Chapter 2

There it is! Constitution-class! I can see your love for 23rd century class ships. Interested to see how the Gibraltar fares in the late 24th century post-war period.

Author's Response:

She's a grand old girl, to be sure, but things take longer and more effort for an AARP-carrying ship like her than they do for these new-fangled 24th century designs!  ;)

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11 Sep 2009 08:27 Title: Chapter 2

Love the Sandhurst/Ramirez relationship already - you know how much I like a tense captain/commander relationship! :)

Author's Response:

I do indeed.  I hope you find this one equally engrossing.

Reviewer: CentralPlexus Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Aug 2009 17:32 Title: Chapter 2

I can see Sandhurst and Ramirez locking horns a few times in the coming chapters. Makes a nice read to see a crew who isn't at all tightly knit like the Enterprise - I hope they don't work out their differences too quickly! I also like the modern bridge while the rest of the ship is a comparative antique; it paints an interesting picture. Looking forward to what happened to the Sojourner!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review!  And don't worry, it will be awhile before Sandhurst and Ramirez see eye-to-eye on much.  As for Gibraltar, many of her systems are updated, but the interior of the ship is largely the same as it was in the 23rd century. 

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Aug 2009 01:41 Title: Chapter 2

It's easy to understand Ramirez's frustration, but anyone in Starfleet should understand that, ultimately, duty comes before personal desire. Hopefully, she will come around and be the asset Sandhurst clearly believes she can be. At least, she had better if she is to progress in her career as she desires down the line.

Author's Response:

She certainly has a justifiable grievance with what Sandhurst and Covey have done.  Alas, as you've noted, duty trumps all other considerations. 

Reviewer: IntrepidSovereign Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 16 Jul 2009 22:22 Title: Chapter 2

Hmm, fireworks between CO and XO! But it's good it's all out in the open. Or is it? Why do I get the feeling that there;s something more than Sandhurst's messing up Ramirez's groove?

Starting to get interesting...

Author's Response:

Much obliged!  Yes, they've definitely started out on the wrong foot, and both have valid viewpoints.  Unfortunately for Ramirez, he's got the pips to back his play.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 May 2009 02:32 Title: Chapter 2

Sandhurst frowned, “I’m going to need you to be a bit more vague.”

That line was just too funny. I loved it. Sandhurst is growing on me and reminds me greatly of my own captain in some ways.

I loved the confrontation with the XO and the Pava sighting.

Plus, connie refit bridge upgrade is a major WIN. Great chapter.

Author's Response:

Thanks!  Yes, this crew is going to have some interesting interactions as they come to know one another.

Glad you liked the bridge as we'll be seeing a lot of it. ;-)

Reviewer: Samuel Pengraff Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 27 Mar 2009 20:40 Title: Chapter 2

With the mystery of the destruction of the Sojourner still hanging in suspense, we are introduced to the Gibraltar and her crew through the eyes of Captain Sandhurst, who has no difficulty formally assuming command of the vessel - but Commander Ramirez is more of a problem. The friction between these two is almost tangible, but Sandhurst successfully applies his authority over the ‘thoroughbred’ and, as it should be, we have heightened respect for both of them. I come away with the impression that, if I were a Gibraltar crewmember in a firefight, I would want these two on each my flanks.

A very fine introduction to some of the new crew, and the detail on the Gibraltar approaches photo-realism. With every paragraph I’m appreciating the time you took in the design of this work ever more. Michael Garcia was right, a very dependable story.

Author's Response:

Thanks again, Samuel.  I'm glad the crew are being viewed in 3-D, as it were.  I had hoped to imbue them with some very 'real' character traits and foibles.

Reviewer: Terilynn Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2009 17:56 Title: Chapter 2

I've decided to go back over and read this here and that way I'll be able to provide my reviews on a chapter by chapter basis! As you already know Sam - Ramirez is going to be one of my faves I think. I love that this is not your "typical" Starfleet crew - in that there are already pre-existing anger and confidence issues...

Nothing wrong with a little fire right off the bat! I found myself hoping that Sandhurst would call her on the carpet and the "discussion" in the ready room did not disappoint!

Author's Response:

Yep, Ramirez has an axe to grind, and deservedly so.  However, Sandhurst can't let her attitude interfere with the mission.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2009 09:24 Title: Chapter 2

“I’m going to need you to be a bit more vague.”

Fabulous line! It made me laugh out loud. The introduction of the Gibralter was, of course, one of those moments where I grinned. Except for the somewhat derisive tone some of her crew was taking towards her -- the TOS fan in me got all indignant at that.

Shaping up to be a great story!

Reviewer: Anna Amuse Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Feb 2009 22:48 Title: Chapter 2

This is intriguing and exciting! Admittedly I have a soft spot for moments when a new team is formed. People roughing in, evaluating each other... And here you present such an unusual complement! An overweighed captain, who never wanted captaincy, an outdated vessel, a crew consisting of veterans and ensigns, and a lot of people who don't want to be there, plus an annoyed XO and Pava -- what a mix! Now send the Cardassians in and this simply gotta be good! :-D

Great job, and I adore the fluent flow of your prose.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much.  My goal was to present an atypical Starfleet crew, a more average group thrust into situations over their head.  I hope I've pulled it off.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 30 Jan 2009 22:07 Title: Chapter 2

Love the concept of the mothball vessel having to come out of retirement to help the Federation in its moment of need. But Sandhurst too is a character you're not too sure should be Captain - he's got engineering in his blood. Can he step up to the command chair?

A well written tale with fascinating characters and a dark tone. The Cardassian insurgents make for a chilling and frightening enemy.

Read it! You'll love it.

Author's Response:

Thank you for the kind words, Miranda Fave!  I'm pleased you enjoyed it.

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