Date: 30 Jun 2013 03:56 Title: Chapter 6
Icheb really is quite charming as an XO. No wonder Pike took to him instantly; he is calm, efficient and good at it. I don't blame him for getting skittish about going out with less than a full compliment, but no doubt he'll acquit himself.
I'm having a hard time with their ages, though. It was something I've noted before, but the longer it goes on, the less it seems like they got their positions for any extraordinary means and more just for sheer intellect. Which hey, they more than deserve the accolades for that, and Icheb does have some experience... but even so, none of that experience really translates for me to the ranks they have. I mean, think about it: James T. Kirk in TOS was the youngest captain ever in Starfleet, at thirty-four years old. But here you have one XO and one division head in their what, mid-twenties? On Starfleet's best and newest ship, about to embark on an absolutely massive mission, into comparatively uncharted space. I honestly, no offense, have to wonder what lunacy actually infected the Admirals who approved it. It defies any sort of logic -- brilliance only carries a person so far; no amount of awards, no amount of test scores, no amount of innovation can possibly replace experience. And for a mission like this, particularly, you'd think they would have stacked the deck.
It honestly strikes me as a recipe for serious tragedy. Maren's experience is in a shipyard. John has at least more broad knowledge from his ship-hopping. Icheb has some from the Delta Quadrant (but not enough for the weight of that position, I don't personally think). Adele comes across as the most competent, as she should, but I can't help but wonder why even she wouldn't have said, "Sure, send me Icheb, but in a lower rank and bring me an XO who has a decade or two worth of experience."
I sort of worry for a Starfleet that awards intelligence over time, experience and hard grift. And I am absolutely fascinated to see if it pans out like it almost has to, and if Icheb and Maren are prepared for the exceptionally unforgiving lessons no amount of genius can teach you.
Date: 18 Aug 2009 02:51 Title: Chapter 6
Quite a set up here-Icheb with a storied past, a huge ship heading into the delta quadrant and now a distress call? Very interesting. I like the setup.