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Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jun 2013 03:40 Title: Chapter 5

What a pair of exceptionally screwed up kids! OMG. I loved Maren taking a stand. I also loved that she slapped him for that, though I don't usually condone violence, but he really did kind of have it coming. You can so totally see how they love each other so much, and how that ends up being their bane rather than their savior, as yet.

And I'm with Maren, man. Talk about taking away her right to make her own choices and being paternalistic.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2012 22:51 Title: Chapter 5

God I'm a sucker for lovey-dovey stuff! But what really interested me is Icheb's secret. No doubt it must be he can't access his higher emotional/cortical functions, the same thing that afflicted Seven, due to some sort of implant. Which could explain why he left Maren... Intriguing stuff and I bet I have to read through seven or more chapters before either Icheb or Maren spills the beans on Icheb's secret!

Reviewer: Enterprise1981 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Mar 2010 20:15 Title: Chapter 5

Just started reading this. Looking forward to seeing how the schism between Icheb and Maren plays out. He did show a little too much haste in trying some kind of a reconciliation.

Author's Response:

What some call haste, Icheb might call "efficiency."  He was, after all, raised by Borg.  ;-)  Keep reading, there's a lot more to come from Icheb and Maren.  Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: KobayashiMaru13 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07 Mar 2010 20:03 Title: Chapter 5

For a while now, I had been planning to read this story, but just hadn't gotten around to it. Well, I finally pulled the trigger today... and I love it!

Your crew is very interesting, with a great group dynamic. One thing I really like is that your characters are very believable, one thing some writers struggle to achieve. You can sympathize with them, and understand their stories and problems. Cudos to you!

The Tesserract is a very interesting ship. The design replicating a Borg cube is ver intruging.

Now, to the story itself... Icheb's prognosis. I wonder what that is? It's mentioned that Seven of Nine had something similiar, but I've never watched Voyager. So if that is something directly from the series or not, I don't know, but I'm interested to see what exactly it is that it caused Icheb to walk away from Maren.

As for the distress call from Alaris, I'm curious to see who's making trouble. Also, I skimmed Chapter 6, and well, Icheb mentions a "T'Pring". I'm going to assume it's not the same T'Pring that was supposed to wed Spock. ;-)

Author's Response:

Thank you very much for reading, and for the comments!  I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far ... there's a lot more to come.

You'll find out eventually what's going on with Icheb.  It's related to but not the same as what happened to Seven.  You should be able to continue and understand everything just fine without having watched Voyager at all, but if you decide you want to fill youself in on the 'Icheb arc,' see if you can find the VOY episodes "Collective," Child's Play," "Imperfection," and "Q2."  Those weren't the only episodes that featured the character, but they're the core of his arc on Voyager, and they give some background that might enrich your appreciation of this story.  Again, you don't NEED to do that to follow the story ... but if you do, then you might catch on to a few 'inside' things that you wouldn't otherwise.

Oh, and this T'Pring is a totally different T'Pring than in TOS.  There are only so many 'T'P...." names, you know.  ;-)

I hope you enjoy the coming chapters!  Thanks again for the feedback, I really appreciate it.  It totally makes my day to see a new name in the reviews!  Thanks for checking out my story!

Reviewer: Gojirob Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2009 22:28 Title: Chapter 5

Icheb, perhaps drowning in memories of the assimilated? Good and better!

Reviewer: Funngunner Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08 Oct 2009 01:59 Title: Chapter 5

Ok, I half expected that Icheb's response to the question "Why are you in my quarters?" would be a rather dead-pan: "Because you invited me."

Glad it didn't pan out like that, because these two characters have some wonderfully painful chemistry together. That's probably the biggest compliment I can give to how you've painted them.

Quite often, character relationships feel forced and ignore the important role of chemistry in the relationship.
Suffice to say, beautiful work.

Having missed most of VOY, I'm wondering what the illness is that Icheb seems to have contracted, and why what appears to be such a loyal officer, would hide the affliction from Starfleet Medical.


Still loving it so far! Thanks for getting me into it!


Author's Response:

I'm happy you're still liking it!  Thanks for the compliments regarding the characterization.  Coming from you, I'll take it as a huge compliment, because that's my favorite thing about your storytelling: your awesome characterization.

Oh, and Icheb's not ill, exactly.  More like damaged and distrustful.  You'll see.  Keep reading.  (By the time I spill all the details -- which I haven't yet -- maybe you'll have caught all the way up!)

Thanks again for reading and reviewing!

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