Date: 20 May 2016 00:43 Title: Chapter 1
Oh, man. This is fun. Decided this story deserved a good re-read (like any favorite book) and this first chapter is chock-full of one of Irina. She's shameless. She's flirty. She's fun. She knows what she wants and how to get it.
Looking back, I wonder how this scene would look from Icheb's point of view. His introduction here was quick, but covered all the basics (and a few extras thanks to Irina's fascination).
But the bigger question is whatever happened to Eric Bouchard? I'm curious to see if he gets mentioned ever again, because I can't remember his name coming up again ... so that means he either got redshirted or he's still around.
Date: 30 Jun 2013 03:10 Title: Chapter 1
Irina, you are so barking up the wrong tree. However, I do find her really refreshing. She's bold, she's clearly not looking for anything other than a good time, and that's really admirable and a great touch in the future, that she can be. The writing style, too, deserves particular mention as being really fricken well-done. It's smooth, it's neat, it doesn't waste time on any frivolous details... but it's also not so spare that you don't get a feel for the environments, either.
It should be interesting to see if this flirtation goes any further. Knowing what I know, though, I can only imagine that it so doesn't.
Date: 07 Apr 2012 23:46 Title: Chapter 1
Now that is the way to introduce a chief medical officer (er... is Irina the chief medical officer onboard the Tesseract?)! Really funny as well being that Irina is a maneater, nice one!
Author's Response: Nope, she's not the CMO. We'll meet him later. ;-)
Date: 27 Mar 2010 18:34 Title: Chapter 1
37 different species. I'd be interested to see how many are non-humanoid.
Author's Response:
Oh, fun! A new reader! Welcome, and I hope you enjoy! As to your question ... there are a few. The bartender looks like an octopus and the chief of tactical is a Saurian (though I guess you could argue that Saurians are sort of humanoid). There may be more to come ... but really, there are lots and lots of bumpy-headed humanoid species in Trek, so they make up most of the 37 kinds.
Date: 13 Feb 2010 23:52 Title: Chapter 1
Irina definitely seems to be the sort who loves to love and doesn't care what anyone else thinks. She also seems to be the sort who gets what she wants. I have a feeling Icheb is going to get very familiar with the feeling of having a bullseye painted on him.
Seriously, I like how you've introduced Irina as well as the rest of the medical crew--they're going to be busy.
Author's Response:
Irina's definitely a bit of a Shelby. ;-) She wants new experiences and seeks them with abandon. The medical crew is going to be super busy, and you haven't even met the CMO yet.
As for Icheb having a bullseye painted on him? You have NO idea. Familiar feeling, indeed.
Thanks so much for the review!

Date: 25 Oct 2009 22:14 Title: Chapter 1
So, the Doctor is a slave to her passions. Very good. It kind of rounds out the healers we've seen thus far.
Date: 07 Oct 2009 04:39 Title: Chapter 1
Oh, a night with the borg? Yikes! That's gonna cause all sorts of chafing issues.
Well, this was a fairly steamy chapter right off the bat. I like it, way to take risks early with the storytelling.
Clearly I'm a big fan of recognizing the adult situations that were often glossed over in Trek with a "nothing to see here" wave of the hand.
Bravo for embracing it and making it a part of the story. These are people after all and not mindless drones... (um, well, excluding the XO).
I really enjoyed the banter going on between Irina and Shelia, particularly the little jab that Sarik gets in. Enhanced auditory function!
Hehe. A-w-k-ward, and deliciously fun to read!
Author's Response:
LOL! Glad you're enjoying it! I'm not much for super-explicit gratuitous sex, but an acknowledgment that these are adults, and adults have physical relationships of varying types, seems to make the story more real, at least in my opinion. And, aw, come on, the XO's not a mindless drone. (Well, not anymore, anyway.) I think you'll like him more as the story progresses. As for Irina and Sheila, I think they would be fun to work with. They're both very social and funny. Irina is wilder, older and more sure of herself, Sheila's kind of young and bubbly. But they have fun. Sarik the snarky Vulcan is either secretly loving the entertainment or enduring his own personal hell. It's hard to tell with Vulcans. Thanks for the review!