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Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jun 2013 02:57 Title: Prologue

As an opener, it's definitely solid. It tells everything the reader needs to know about the mission, about Adele's position in it, and it sets up Icheb as her XO, which is a bolt move by Starfleet, even accounting for his brilliance. I like Adele's dry sort of wryness in her opening log, especially; if she keeps that up, I have a feeling I shall enjoy her immensely. It's good to see Janeway and good to see her passing the metaphorical flag to the Delta Quadrant, as it were, too.

Overall, definitely a solid opener.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Apr 2012 23:40 Title: Prologue

I really dig the whole premise of investigating what happened to the Borg, and Icheb is a commander now? That young lad most certainly has been busy... I just hope he is more socially attune then when we last saw him on VOY. I also like the notion of Janeway sort of personally tutoring/mentoring(?) captain Adele. Good stuff.

Author's Response: Icheb? Socially attuned? Not really. He can put on a good show, but he's still as clueless as ever in a lot of ways. Glad you like the premise!

Reviewer: Kraylose Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Jan 2010 20:39 Title: Prologue

Oh man, the Tesseract keeps getting better and better the more I read. Can't wait for the next update.

Author's Response:

Wow, thanks!  Always nice to hear from a new reader ... thanks for the review, more to come soon, I promise (working on it right now)!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Nov 2009 21:57 Title: Prologue

Passing a 100 - you should get a letter from the queen! Plus this means you are now the No.1 most reviewed story on the site. You beat me. That's it! No more reviews from me. [::goes off to sulk:: hee hee]

As for T'Pring, I am scratching my head on that one. But I'm determined to think up someone. But you've gone for some out there choices not normally picked by others. So hard to judge who'd fit your criteria. That, and who could pull off her awesome character. That would take some acting chops I think. Hmmm ... Meryl Strepp?? Ha Ha!

Reviewer: Gojirob Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2009 22:02 Title: Prologue

So, Icheb has moved up, and Starfleet is taking the next logical step after Voyager's return. A strong start!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading and commenting!  It's always nice to see a new name in the reviews!  Hope you enjoy it!

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 14 Oct 2009 22:47 Title: Prologue

It's good to see the good Doctor making an appearance. He has aged gracefully, judging from his handling of his captain. Little wonder she tried to read his offer for subtext given his former reputation as a ladies man, or at least a frequently attempted one. The Garak mention made me smile. If Icheb can lie like Garak, I'll be incredibly impressed with him.

I think it's probably safe to say that the buoy going out isn't just a sensor glitch, not the way things have gone for them so far! Maybe I'm sadistic, but I hope it's something else. Dun dun dunnnn! Dun dun DUNNNNN!!

And I laughed aloud at the idea of a Bolian with pink fingernails. I love the little details you put in. Very cool chapter that raises lots of new questions.

Author's Response:

Glad you approve of Bashir, DS9 expert that you are.  I've tried to make him a little less spazzy while keeping the humor intact, and I'm also keeping the idealism while dumping the naivete.  Then there's the interest in spy stuff that went from fantasy to reality over time ... that's still part of him, for sure. Think it'll come in handy? ;-)

Icheb can't lie like Garak.  I don't think that's giving anything away that wasn't already incredibly obvious.  No one can lie like Garak.  Simple deception, Icheb can handle pretty adeptly -- outright fabrication, not as much.  We'll see what happens with him and Bashir -- Bashir is suspicious, and he's clever.  

Iden is a fun character, pink fingernails and all.  We haven't seen much of her yet, but she's going to play a role in all that's coming.  We'll see what happens with her missing buoy ...

Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Sep 2009 16:17 Title: Prologue

Oh I'm sure the Tyndorans are going to turn out to be really nice and warm with welcoming open arms. But I guess the Admiral helps to lend everything a suspect air.

Looking forward to what happens with Icheb in command. I'm sure it won't be plain sailing.

Looking forward too to the unfolding of the story and the journey to the DQ. I love the fact the story is so huge and the idea of a number of books telling the complete story sounds great. I for one will be following it through however many books it goes to. Great stuff kes7.

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Aug 2009 18:22 Title: Prologue

I was never a really big fan of some of what Voyager did..but I like this story and what you're doing with Icheb. Not sure where you will take this, and thats a GOOD thing!!!


Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Aug 2009 21:32 Title: Prologue

To paraphrase my ongoing commentary at the TrekBBS fanfic board, you've created a compelling cast of characters, a fascinating platform for adventure in the form of the Tesseract herself, and an engrossing mystery that begs to be explored.

You're hitting on all cylinders with this tale, and I'm eagerly awaiting more.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Aug 2009 18:32 Title: Prologue

Ok, so this is pretty much my first comment as I said over on TrekBBS. The first thing that struck me was the inclusion and decision to use the character of Icheb from Voyager. Nice to see the character of Icheb explored more. The fact that we will do so in a new and unique setting with OC characters is going to be interesting. Voyager had a knack for creating good characters, but sometimes the execution of giving them good stories or simply even using them was badly done. So From tthe outset I was excited to see you go down this road.


Not to mention we get a little special guest appearance from Janeway. Can't help thinking she would be in two minds about the mission. A part of her would probably love the opportunity to go back but again considering their forced absence from Starfleet for over seven years one can see why she might not have opted to go along.

It is a fascinating prospect about going back to the DQ after these years and fly the Federation flag on a planned seven year mission. It is a neat idea to go back to exploring strange new worlds and the like.

However, considering the sheer scale of this ship and the crew involved, there's a world within itself to explore. Initially I hoped that you devote some time to expanding on it, the mechanical and technological issues bound to arise, nevermind the many interpersonal and departmental issues that would plague a ship of that size. I know from reading on that this is exactly what you do and I'm thrilled with it. I anticipate that you'll spring many surprises and novel touches to this tale. I can't anticipate what they'll be mind but certainly looking forward to them.

Another initial thought I had when I read this was the following:With that in mind I also would question the validity of such a new captain and young commander having charge of such a complex mission. Maybe there ought to be more of a command staff who help share the captain's burden along with Icheb. I understand that with a mission back to the DQ they would take on someone as young [and yes capable but still relatively inexperienced] along with first hand knowledge or experience at least that would be invaluable.

Again, this is something you tackle throughout these opening chapters and it creates a pleasing read to see this character take on this burden and mission.

Should be interesting to see how you continue this, how it is developed and what direction you take.

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