Date: 27 Jun 2021 13:35 Title: Chapter 1
Looks like 2 chapters here. Pretty gripping chapter on the attack on the Sojourner - would have made for a good 007 jump start. Interesting choice to have a saurian in command. Non-humans are rarely depicted in command.
I like the characterization of Sandhurst - particularly that he is overweight. His abilities as an engineer give him some interesting potentials as a starhip captain.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Thank you for the review!
Date: 21 Sep 2014 08:41 Title: Chapter 1
I love any story that starts out with Cardassia :-D
One thing that I think canonical Star Trek downplays is just how much these sweeping galactic conflicts have rippling aftereffects, which may actually be worse than the conflict they stem from. I cringe at post-Dominion War tales of happiness and love, etc. All sides suffered losses; the most grievous of these were the losses to Cardassia. And not because of number dead, or the state of their homeworld... no. They had a mindset that had been ingrained for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
They will not go gently into that good night.
Think about it. You do the same thing over and over for centuries, and despite some small hiccups (which are to be expected), you succeed. The one time you really make a close alliance with another kind, and let down your xenophobic guard... it all sorts of goes to hell.
So sure, you'll take a bit of help, but you're going to start planning your exit strategy.
I'm really excited to read more of this story because you seem to have captured that exact sentiment and mindset extremely well. I also really enjoy your ability to paint the scene for the reader, but without going so far as to make it overly wordy or contrived.
Author's Response:
Thank you for the detailed feedback, it's much appreciated! You've very accurately summed up Cardassia's position in this whole, unfortunate mess left over from the Dominion War.
Date: 18 Jul 2014 08:41 Title: Chapter 1
Good way to start your series Gibraltar. Opening with Point Station Epsilon in the Allied-Occupied Cardassian Territory was pure genius. I really liked how you described the station Epsilon in great detail, telling how it wasn’t the best built station and that it wasn’t completely planned out like the other better built stations by the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. Then you go on to describe the planet of Lakesh. How it was attacked and that the crew was helping with water purification. This story fascinates me. Now I’m ready to move onto chapter 2 to see what happens next. I cannot wait to see where you take this and how it ends. Thanks for sharing this and keep writing.
Author's Response:
Thank you for the review. :) I'm pleased you're enjoying the tale.
Date: 02 Jun 2012 09:33 Title: Chapter 1
I'm a sucker for the brand-new, untried Captain character. I like seeing the uncertainty, that seems a lot more believable to me than the captain we usually see stepping off the turbolift onto a bridge and immediately knowing just what to do.
And holy crap that ship got wasted...that was just...evil!
Author's Response:
Thanks for the commentary!
Yes, Sandhurst has a great deal of learning to do, no doubt about it.
And Sojourner did indeed get destroyed in insidious fashion.
Date: 17 May 2012 13:33 Title: Chapter 1
Wow! You destroy star ships with style, I like that! Nothing like some descriptive action scenes to engage the reader.
Author's Response:
Much obliged for the kind words! :-)
Date: 16 Apr 2011 20:29 Title: Chapter 1
Wow, a great start to a story. I love the Captain, think he has as much positives as he does negatives, will be interested to see him develop over the stories, can' believe I waited so long to read this story.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review, David! And yes, Captain Sandhurst has quite the journey ahead of him.
Date: 23 Sep 2010 20:03 Title: Chapter 1
I'm beginning to read your series and so far find it fascinating. Your characterization of Capt. Donald Sandhurst is very well done. I'm starting to think I'm out of my league here with such good writers... As time allows I'll head to the next chapter. Your writing style is excellent, concise and descriptive. I look forward to reading more!
Author's Response:
Many thanks for the terrific rewview. :-) Yes, Sandhurst is a breed apart from the 'typical' Starfleet captain insofar as he has never yearned for the big chair. Command is a burden that was thrust upon him, and one he accepted out of a sense of duty. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.
Date: 24 Jun 2010 04:44 Title: Chapter 1
You’ve really contributed a lot to this website! Like I said earlier, I'm still a little new and just starting to really get into other people's great stories. You have a lot here; I assume it is ok to start with Embers of the Fire?
I think it’s really interesting that you and I have a similar tone and setup to our universes. That is, a post-Dominion war universe in which everyone must work together and deal with the aftermath of that war (although mine stretches out for decades). This seems to be largely ignored in most post-DS9 universes, in my view. I really like the picture you’ve painted of post-war Cardassia; and you’re right, it’s not just ‘800 million dead’ and that’s it; there are likely to be huge issues that Cardassia has to deal with following the Dominion occupation.
Vivid descriptions, a great setup, and I like the background of Captain Sandhurst. He feels very real. Looking forward to reading the rest!
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading! Yes, the immediate post-war period got very short shrift in the 'canon' universe, owing to Voyager being on the opposite side of the galaxy.
I wanted to show what things were like in the socio-political quagmire that followed, where all the Alpha and Beta Quadrant powers are jostling for position in the power vaccum created by the near-collapse of the Cardassian Union and the weakening of the Romulans, the Klingons, and the UFP due to the war's losses.
I hope you continue to enjoy the story, and the series. :)
Date: 06 Dec 2009 08:41 Title: Chapter 1
Sorry! Missed the rating!
Date: 11 Sep 2009 17:45 Title: Chapter 1
An excellent first installment of what will hopefully be an incredibly good series. I'll admit, when the focus ship in question turned out to be a Constitution Class, I had some major reservations about the series - but the reservations were quickly brushed aside when we met the main characters. Main characters are the be-all and end-all of a fanfiction series because, ultimately, it doesn't matter how cool your ship is or how brilliant in concept your plot is, if your protagonists suck then you're up a creek without a paddle. And, in that regard (and others), Gibraltar doesn't disappoint - we're presented with some interesting heroes, a traditional Big 3 (a la TOS) in Sandhurst, Ramirez and Pava along with a handful of background characters.
The Big 3 stand out - this is a story that's primarily about them (and whilst other series handle the ensemble act with skill, this show works with the focus on the ensemble) and they're interesting enough to stand out as 3D. I'm beginning to get the fascination that everyone had with Pava, comparing and contrasting him with Solly Brin, when I was ploughing my way through the Bluefin Chronicles.
But for me, there's something about Ramirez that interests me. I think it's her that I'm going to be interested in seeing development - especially as I know some of the future developments from reading Bluefin.
Kudos on a great opening story and now I'm pushing on to the second one.
Author's Response:
Thanks very much. I'm glad you enjoyed the story and I hope you find the rest of the series equally compelling.
Date: 11 Sep 2009 08:26 Title: Chapter 1
What a first chapter! Love the Sojourner bit at the end.
On to the next chapter...
Author's Response:
Much obliged.
Date: 20 Aug 2009 13:00 Title: Chapter 1
Nice to get that glimpse inside Sandhurst's head as he takes on the challenge of his first command. The detailed description of the post-war chaos and localized violence is realistic and gripping.
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and commenting. :) Sandhurst is one of those people for whom the Dominion War created opportunities. If not for the war, it's likely he would never have taken up the challenge of command.
Date: 12 Aug 2009 23:11 Title: Chapter 1
Nice first chapter! Loved the context given in the first section - and the more personal continuation of the dire situation with the Sojourner's "accident". Reminds me very much of the situation in Europe after WWII concluded. Looking forward to reading more! :)
Author's Response:
Thanks very much! I'm glad you're along for the ride.
Date: 12 Aug 2009 01:25 Title: Chapter 1
From the very beginning, we get to see that the widespread destruction left behind by the Dominion is going to be a burden on the entire Alpha Quadrant for quite possibly decades to come. Reluctant leaders like Sandhurst will be needed more than ever, and the mystery of the attack promises this will be a bumpy ride. Excellent beginning!
Author's Response:
Thank you for commenting! Yes, the devastated worlds of Cardassia will prove a burden for the AQ powers for some time to come. They dare not neglect them, however, for fear of what a spurned Cardassian Union might do in the decades ahead.
Date: 15 Jul 2009 23:11 Title: Chapter 1
Wow. Slam-bang opening. Sneaky dirty thing that happened to the Sojourner. I hope whoever set this up pays. Dearly.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and for commenting! Yes, dirty deed are afoot in the Crolsa system and there are blood debts to be paid...
Date: 27 May 2009 02:15 Title: Chapter 1
Whew...that was a whizbang chapter there.
Got to love the captain and certainly the Sojourner-what happened was obvioulsy a planned attack. Who or what is the question I have and I shall endeavor to find out!
Author's Response:
Yes, poor Sojourner certainly drew the short straw in that engagment. Her crew undoubtedly deserved better.
Date: 27 Mar 2009 19:43 Title: Chapter 1
Your knowledge and respect of military and naval traditions is obvious right from the start, and you put it to good use creating a believable, contextual framework for your story. I'm very impressed.
It takes a lot more time, research and committment to plan something on the scale of Embers of the Fire, and I have great respect and admiration for what you have started with this project.
The extensive damage to the Sojourner, from attackers unknown, works perfectly as a teaser, its tempo propelling me to the next chapter. I'm afraid I've been seduced lock, stock and barrel into the marvelous world you have created. Bravo.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Samuel. I'm glad I successfully hooked you. ;) Embers was a long time coming and has had a number of re-writes over the years. It was my hope to capture the bleak task of rebuilding after the Dominion War that faced the Federation as a whole and the new crew of Gibraltar in particular.
Date: 14 Feb 2009 09:23 Title: Chapter 1
Since it wasn't fair what was done to Hope Station, here's the feedback I left originally on Embers:
The organic nature you take right off with Sandhurst is a great start. He immediately comes across as being an individual, and not just a cookie-cutter one-off character. Right down to his former packrat mentality, and reluctant acceptance of command. And the anxiety that goes with a command.
The destruction of the Sojourner, for the most part, is horrific. I could only imagine the shock and terror that crew felt right before the vast majority of them were killed. You did a great job writing it, if it made me cringe and shake my head in shock like that.
Finally... hm. Broad-shouldered, black haired, (mostly) brown eyed, genius engineer. ::grins:: Case precedent suggests Sandhurst will be an awesome, awesome character.
Author's Response:
Thank you! I very much appreciate you taking the time to re-post your original feedback here.