Reviews For Cloak and Dagger
Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2010 14:16 Title: Thirteen
Date: 13 Jan 2010 14:16 Title: Thirteen
That is really intense and dynamic character interaction between Kirk and Spock. And absolutely brilliantly crafted and executed piece of writing. Kirk and Spock going toe-to-toe and trying to out blff one another. Kirk is shown to play a good poker face on the bridge but he finds it harder to do with Spock. Cannot believe Spock thought to do the Vulcan pinch on him! I have a nagging suspicion that Spock intends to sacrifice himself willingly into the Cardassian hands in order to achieve the Enterprise's safety. But I can't see Kirk allowing that to happen. Now enter the Cardassians....