Date: 11 Oct 2009 18:06 Title: Chapter 1
This story should have a tear jerker rating. Where is my handkerchief? Ooo no, better get more than one handkerchief. Still given how stiff upper lip Brit that Reed was, I wonder if he ever could admit feeling of loss, or even have feelings of loss.
Author's Response: Sorry about the lack of tear-jerker rating. I have to admit, I teared up when I wrote it. I really believe that Reed had a huge soft-spot in his core and that Hayes' death burrowed its way in. It's exactly why I felt the need to write this piece. Thank you so much for stopping by and reading, and thank you twice for commenting!
Date: 23 Apr 2009 19:14 Title: Chapter 1
Haven't read the second chapter yet but that was a very touching look at a quite tempestuous relationshio between Reed and Hayes. The reasons given and explored here do indeed help fill in some of the blanks as to why the two of them could not quite get along.
It was also redeeming for Reed to be forgiven and to have the blanks about Hayes fillled in. Neat.