Reviews For Cloak and Dagger
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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Jul 2009 22:38 Title: Seven

Fab stuff Anna! Loved the caged pacing Kirk trying to keep it together and playing the game he hates most of all - the waiting game. But better still how you wrap it all up and connect it to angst about his brother and guilt there and make this exploration of Kirk and Spock quite fascinating.

Again, love the characterisation of the different characters, Uhura, Chekov and Scotty. Wonderfully portrayed and realised with some fab lines and sterling scenes. Great stuff.

Author's Response: Thank you! Kirk is a complex character, it's intriguing to explore him, past and future. :)

Reviewer: MrsPicard Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 12 Jul 2009 14:34 Title: Seven

"just another officer"... no, Kirk, not for you... Spock's anything BUT just another officer... ;) Awww. Loved the chapter! Especially Scott's "engineering dilemma". LOL!

Author's Response: LOL! He finally found one he could solve, at least not alone. :D

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