Date: 02 Aug 2012 09:49 Title: Five
"Because you like him." Leave it to Bones to cut right to the heart of it all. It's okay just to like someone. I do like Jim's discomfort at being vulnerable, even as he chases Spock across the galaxy.
Date: 15 Jul 2009 18:29 Title: Five
First off; glorious use of language in my book Anna. An early example is:
But as the morning hours evaporated slowly, the tension nesting on her shoulders had grown so much...
But only one of many examples. Writing like that makes it an enjoyable exercise in itself to read, nevermind the building tension and intrigue. Also the glimpses we see into how various people react to the tense situation and thier perceptions of the situation. For example when Kerr sees how Spock must be hiding in the Legorion ship. How Scotty comes to rescue Kerr from the tension and outsider syndrome on the bridge and how he infers that had Uhura been there, she'd have already rectified the situation. How Sulu recognises too how hard it must be on her. All wonderful little observations and thought processes that are enlightening and revealing to read. Enlightening about the charcters and about the skill of the author to fully create and realise this world.
Then there's the combustive scene between Kirk and wesley. I wasn't sure what way that was going to go down. For a moment I thought maybe Wesley has it it in for Spock after the whole M5 thing. Good to see this Big Game is keeping everyone on their toes and making everybody off-balance.
This includes Kirk viewed through McCoy's eyes. I love this perspective, especially when it is you writing it Anna. very visereal in even the mundane details he recounts, very McCoyian. You channel him so well. Plus your's and McCoy's assessment of Kirk is enlightening too. Stuff you think of him in the back of your brain comes to the fore when you read how McCoy views it and you say of course and that's the way to explain it. Those are the words that best fit to describe him.
And for all concerned, I do hope Spocka nd Kirk are playing on the same side becuase if they are at cross purposes their skills and determination would mean disaster for one or both.
Spock's situation is a bad one in the end up. A great little set up and I wonder what is to become. Yay for upping the ante.
Author's Response: ::blushes:: Oh, thanks! You do know that any fancy use of language is more of a lucky hit for me than anything else? And it doesn't compensate for all the errors I make, I'm afraid, either. Sometimes, apparently, I do get lucky. :) Wesley seemed a bit single-minded to me in TOS, but not unreasonable. I took it from there. McCoy, oh dear. It surprises me no end when people say I channel him. Of the Big Three, he's the one I understand the least. It's just strange that he should be the one I right best. ::shakes her head:: Guess I must be weird that way. :) And yep, if Kirk and Spock played against each other, oh my. Let the galaxy beware. LOL. Thank you so much for commenting!
Date: 12 Jul 2009 14:06 Title: Five
Yuck @ ending!!! Ouch!!! I love the idea of warp drive also "warps" officers! ;) I also hated Bob Wesley's anti-Vulcan attitude and enjoyed how Scott took care of Kerr. Hehe. Love the chapter!!!
Author's Response: Thank you!