Date: 02 Aug 2012 09:27 Title: Four
Spock is so awesome...for figuring out Luca's lie and for declaring his trust in Kirk. Awesome.
Date: 15 Jul 2009 18:03 Title: Four
:: raised eyebrows :: Wow wee. What a thrill ride. And what a Big Game. had no idea of the term or its meaning, was a bit like Kerr in that regard, but I loved the reactions of everyone to that and to Closed Doors. All very 'cloak and dagger' and therefore very apt. Coolness.
Loved the mystery about the secret orders and how Kirk sizes it all up. Like putting puzzle pieces together and he he does it wiht some style. Scotty of course is irreppressible, as is the doctor. Really enjoyed the meeting and the exchanges between Kirk and Uhura. How he recognises and respects her professionalism and acuity. It is striking and great to read. Uhura rocks and deserves more attention in my own and humble opinion.
Then of course we come to Spock and the order to get him dead or alive. They are truly getting mixed up in this now and Spock is an unwitting pawn in larger orchestrations. I wonder who is behind it all as the big game complicates matters. is someone within Starfleet or an outside enemy. Fascinating stuff altogether that keeps me rivetted. Brillant Anna.
Author's Response: You know you don't have to do this, right? Just checking. ;-) No wonder you didn't know of the Big Game, I totally made it up. LOL. Yep, it is cloak-and-dagger. Had to be going somewhere. ;-) They're at the beginning of adding pieces. A long way before everything falls into place. Be warned. ;-)
Date: 09 Jul 2009 19:05 Title: Four
I love the "Big Game" idea. Sounds nasty to me (which is why I like it)! And OMG, what a really really nasty game someone's playing here indeed with Luca and Spock... great chapter. I enjoyed it muchly!
Author's Response: Thank you!