Date: 02 Aug 2012 09:10 Title: Three
I'm sorry I haven't reviewed before now. I'm enjoying this story a great deal. I like the tinge of jealousy between Kirk and Spock, and you've done a great job of making us feel how completely set adrift Spock is with these circumstances. And I liked the fight between Kirk and Spock. I liked how Jim accused him of secretly finding Jim inferior, and how confused Spock was by that accusation. Well done so far! Reading on...
Date: 12 Jul 2009 23:07 Title: Three
“Never argue with doctors, Commander,” he said lamely. “It’s bad for your health.”
Especially McCoy. Loved his rant about quoting chapter and verse of the medical regulations.
It is great to have Wesley here. Feels as though they have someone else in thier corner. Particularly with Barns about - she is something else - the impudence of her to argue with Kirk and the others is just outright ridiculous. She has some nerve and is definitely trying to swing above her rank in my opinion. Anyways, as if Kirk is not going to visit any of his crews accussed in the wrong? Especially if it is Spock! Damn she's a bitch but doesn't appreciate Kirk or Spock. As for her line:
“You’re letting a sense of false gratitude obscure your vision,” she said angrily. “That is not becoming an officer of command rank.”
It sums up everything that makes me mad about her. Her belief she can tell Kirk waht is becoming and the fact that she says it is a false gratitude. How could it be false. Bitch! Hate her.
And what great emotion is driving this story all the way. All of the underlying unsaid stuff adds so much to this. Nevermind the out there emotions and frustrations. With McCoy coming across the most levelheaded of the trio you know things must be heated and or bad.
Terrific stuff, with lots going on. How bad were the Starbase medical examiners not to catch the drugs in Spock's blood. McCoy might rib them apart if not so focused on other concerns. We also have Scotty's little visit. A gulp moment potentially?
Then of course, there's the missing Luca, the breakout, and the fact Spock is willing to do so. What the hell is going on indeed. Bloody marvellous Anna.
Author's Response: ::chuckles:: It's not marvelous, but thank you. :D Yep, poor Bones acting as a referee, it's not his designated role at all, but when things turn dire there's not much left for him to do but what he must. Yeah, Barns lecturing Kirk was annoying, but alas, most of lawyers/PR-people would do that, with no regard to rank. Sometimes (not in this case) it's their job to do just that. And oh yes, Jim's pretty unstoppable when one of his crew gets into trouble. Good luck to those who try! ;-)

Date: 09 Jul 2009 18:51 Title: Three
Loved Bob Wesley's appearance and the Leagourian's way of talking! I also very much enjoyed the argument between Kirk and Spock and how Bones tried to calm them down. Hehe. Aww. And OMG, the date theory! *grin* Whoa, and then Luca shows up... wtf is he up to? Oh my!
Author's Response: I like this scene, too. LOL. Luca's well, up to something. ;-)