Reviews For Shadow Plays
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed
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Date: 07 May 2021 14:07 Title: 019 - "It's Business As Usual"

Date: 07 May 2021 14:07 Title: 019 - "It's Business As Usual"
This chapter is asking the same moral question that STH ultimately asks (although that isn't really revealed until Ep 26...) And a more relevant question in light of the likelyhood that this technology is probably not 300 years off. It's probably less than 50 years off and my best guess is more like 10-20. And that's a conservative estimate. We still won't have affordible flying cars (dammit) but broadly available cybernetic appliances for the brain - very likely.
The Federation's concern for peace in the Alpha Quadrant is very reflective of Pax Americana - a cross between a pipe dream and a working reality that is dramatically undervalued by everyone pretty much worldwide.
Thanks!! rbs