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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 21 Mar 2022 00:24 Title: Chapter Five

Looks like Star Fleet seriously has the upper hand here - rolling up the Maquis colonies, rolling up the stragglers, bringing the head honcho to the negotiating table.

Working like an inexorable, well oiled machine.

Isn't that usually where it all starts to go wrong?

Liking the actual relationship between Lar'ragos and Ariel. Also enjoying T'Ser's current perception of Sandhurst. Although for some reason he seems to me to be a little on the brittle side at the moment.

Thanks!! rbs

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Jun 2009 17:59 Title: Chapter Five

Very interesting--and man, I LIKED Gul Brelat! :-)  To me, it's very easy to see why his superiors chose him for the task of accompanying Starfleet at the dismantling of the colonies...his personal history makes him much more willing to exercise restraint than I think some guls would have had, and that even had force become necessary, he wouldn't necessarily have been cruel and unusual.  The fact that he was able to feel for the colonists--and yet I think he would also have used force if necessary--makes him just from that tiny snippet come across as a complex character and somebody I'd like to see more from.

Arakaki definitely got a lesson there in not judging people by the scales on their skin, I that I suspect she'll carry with her.

It's also very interesting to see more of T'Ser's take on Sandhurst.  I am very hopeful that will become more substantial respect as she spends more time around him. :-)

As for the Sandhurst-Lar'ragos dynamic...still liking that.  You can definitely see that Sandhurst's resentment hasn't died.  Hard to gauge what Pava thinks, though...if he regrets his actions, or simply regrets being on the outs with Sandhurst.

As for Ariel...God, I hope that comment about getting dirty--and all of the things Pava warned her about...are foreshadowing.  Talk about somebody who has karma headed their way...boy, that makes her and Pava quite the pair.

Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 23 Jun 2009 20:23 Title: Chapter Five

Ordinarily I would say that it looks like as if the Maquis are finished, their colonies dismantled, their very homes gone, their forces no match for Starfleet's resolve.

Ordinarily I might sit back and enjoy Gibraltar kicking some butt for once without the usual and painful sacrifices.

But this is Gibraltar, we're talking about. So no matter how good things look right now, I know it won’t last. Looks like Galmesh will make sure of that.

Excellent stuff though. I'm totally hooked.

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