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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04 May 2023 04:08 Title: Chapter 2

I appreciate the racial details about Davula's striping (or lack thereof) as well as the details about her ridge. There is a story about the original series makeup artists and producers panicking because there was an inconsistency in the makeup applied to a few klingons, resulting in color variations and other details. They couldn't afford to change it, so they ran with it and hoped no one would notice. Of course the fans did notice and inundated the producers with letters praising them for creating racial variations within the klingon population.

Second rise out of "Yes sir, Nandi, sir..." fun gag. And a few fun details that kind of slid by me the last time - the Montgomery Scott Award for miracles and Davula's harrowing journey connected a bit more this time.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response:

I'm glad you're discovering new aspects of the story upon your second reading! Thanks for giving it another look.

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