Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed
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Date: 23 Jan 2023 02:10 Title: Epilogue - Ground State: 1
Author's Response: Yeah, PTSD is definitely going to be a factor. I mean think about it, you were actively involved in trying to stop the end of everything ever. One mistake, one bit of hesitation, and you could have been responsible for everybody everwhere no longer existing. That's some pressure. And add to that the relatively recent trauma of the Dominion War? No idea, how you deal with that kind of thing. I guess that's why Starfleet has counselors.
Date: 23 Jan 2023 02:10 Title: Epilogue - Ground State: 1
Denemount part 1... first tie up the major plotlines and do a body count... And definitely among the body count is Michael's and Taz's mental stability. Everyone on the Eagle can be classified PTSD without individual diagnoses.
I could just see this crew being reassigned to "normal" duty... "Lieutenant - why are you in the fetal position? It's just some crickets..." "No... I't the clicky aliens... Oh god they're back..."
And you've managed to end a denemount with a cliff-hanger - in total CeeJay style.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Yeah, PTSD is definitely going to be a factor. I mean think about it, you were actively involved in trying to stop the end of everything ever. One mistake, one bit of hesitation, and you could have been responsible for everybody everwhere no longer existing. That's some pressure. And add to that the relatively recent trauma of the Dominion War? No idea, how you deal with that kind of thing. I guess that's why Starfleet has counselors.