Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed
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Date: 19 Dec 2022 20:50 Title: Part 8 - Decoherence: 2
Author's Response: Yeah, and just think of all the counseling sessions the man will need for essentially killing the man/machine with his face, not once but twice. I suppose there'll be plenty of counseling sessions for everybody once this is over. For those who make it that is. Thanks for reading and the continuous reviews. As always, greatly appreciated.
Date: 19 Dec 2022 20:50 Title: Part 8 - Decoherence: 2
Very much liking that it was a Bajoran Resistance fighter who prepared Michael to kill first and without hesitation when faced with a mortal enemy. Do unto borgy before borgy can do unto you. And a second satisfyingly grisley death for Tyrantus - because who doesn't want to see that particular bad guy go down hard, twice. As one of my players in D&D once said: "I killed him. Can I kill him again?"
Here'a hoping that RoboOwens is firmly in Michael's rear-view and receding We've gotten a taste now of what the Fro-Bird can do. Looking forward to learning more about what it has under the hood.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Yeah, and just think of all the counseling sessions the man will need for essentially killing the man/machine with his face, not once but twice. I suppose there'll be plenty of counseling sessions for everybody once this is over. For those who make it that is. Thanks for reading and the continuous reviews. As always, greatly appreciated.