Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Nov 2022 03:16 Title: Part 7 - Collapse: 3
Author's Response: Are you suggesting that there might be some sort of lack of clarity around Bensu's motivations here? Something like an "uncertainty principle"? (See what I did there?). I can practically guarantee that there will be no banana-colored submersibles forthcoming in this story. As for a Sea of Holes? Stay tuned.
Date: 29 Nov 2022 03:16 Title: Part 7 - Collapse: 3
Yeah - Michael's going to need a multiverse qualified shrink once this is all over. Tyrantus' demise alone is going to give him nightmares, not to mention seeing his crew slaughtered all around him.
So Bensu... good? bad? insane? cause of the madness? or solution? You've definitely done some serious slight of hand with this character.
And back to the Frobird for one more desperate attempt to fly into the nexus. You're going to have to work some Yellow Submarine monsters into this next segment - at least the Sea of Holes...
Maybe the big bad behind it all is the Vacuumcleanersaurus.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Are you suggesting that there might be some sort of lack of clarity around Bensu's motivations here? Something like an "uncertainty principle"? (See what I did there?). I can practically guarantee that there will be no banana-colored submersibles forthcoming in this story. As for a Sea of Holes? Stay tuned.