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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 29 Nov 2022 03:08 Title: Part 7 - Collapse: 2

Kind of like the king of mailmen: Through Inth, Romulan fleet and borg... Okay - on second read, I get that he kind of looped his way around the Inth using the Westron Universal Jump Drive. Which is where all these spectoral alt-Michaels get to partially emerge.

It would cost a fortune to screen this scene.

Raganorok on LSD with a hint of wasabi with a Boom Boom Satellites sound track...

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: I certainly cannot condone the use of any kinds of hallucinogenics or mind-altering substances, but at the same time I wouldn't rule out that consuming any of such might help convey what Michael Owens is going through in this chapter.

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