Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Oct 2022 03:49 Title: Part 6 - Last Grasp: 7
Author's Response: Maybe I should've named this Quantum Marginalia. I'm glad you're enjoying the little nuances and sub-plots as much as the main story. A lot of thought has gone into developing these various strands. Not everything always comes together the way I'd hoped, and I guess you could make the argument that as writer you can fine-tune these kind of things until the cows come home. Of course then, nobody would ever get to read any of it.
Date: 10 Oct 2022 03:49 Title: Part 6 - Last Grasp: 7
The other relationship that's been smouldering in the marginalia - Xylion and Bensu... Xylion hasn't been given much to go on - just a few dark hints that Bensu might not be the unlikely hero, but the somewhat more likely destroyer. That's a delicate balance to maintain as a writer - giving the audience far more and seeing Xylion getting only a few dark hints. It definitely worked - it will be interesting to see how Xylion not only copes with the difficulty fo the moment, but also the evidence that Owens in particular did not entrust him with this information - such as it was.
Definitlely looking forward to seeing more of the Matt/Michael/Fro story.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Maybe I should've named this Quantum Marginalia. I'm glad you're enjoying the little nuances and sub-plots as much as the main story. A lot of thought has gone into developing these various strands. Not everything always comes together the way I'd hoped, and I guess you could make the argument that as writer you can fine-tune these kind of things until the cows come home. Of course then, nobody would ever get to read any of it.