Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Sep 2022 08:27 Title: Part 6 - Last Grasp: 5
Author's Response: That made me laugh out loud, thanks. I had not considered this at all, but I guess there's nothing like a good gauntlet of suffering to put a protagonist through. One thing is for damned sure: There'll be a lot of sleepless nights in Michael Owens' future.
Date: 27 Sep 2022 08:27 Title: Part 6 - Last Grasp: 5
Michael has what my father dubbed as the "defication touch" - everything he touches turns to shit - certainly working its effect in this universe. He shows up at one planet after another and all hell breaks loose - and now Maya's ship and Maya herself. Sooner or later that's gotta sting.
And his doppelgangers are just as relentless as he is, which, considering they all turn out to be enemies, is really not helpful. If you go universe hopping and find out that every other version of you you encounter turns out to be a shit, that would have to sting sooner or later too.
There's a general rule in writing that you should put your lead character through as much hell as possible. You're definitely taking that one to heart...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: That made me laugh out loud, thanks. I had not considered this at all, but I guess there's nothing like a good gauntlet of suffering to put a protagonist through. One thing is for damned sure: There'll be a lot of sleepless nights in Michael Owens' future.