Date: 21 Sep 2022 10:05 Title: Part 6 - Last Grasp: 4
I'm surprised that I'm just now noticing the word play in the title for this part - I think I had been reading it as "Last Gasp."
Not Lif's best moments - he goes from snipping at his aunt - whom he knows actually cares about the Outlanders - to borderline barratry in vain hopes of protecting her. Of course, considering what he's been through during the past 3 universes, his brain has every right to be liverwurst. Still, something that will have to be addressed.
I'm particularly enjoying the Garla character arc. That's a character with vicious demons distorting her every decision - and managing to keep a somewhat even keel. But her she is in pursuit of her "best destiny" for at least the 3rd time - definitely someone seeking absolution while still running away from her problems. Really looking forward to how this arc works out.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I think Star is giving Lif a break, at least for now. With the exception of Owens, he's probably gone through the wringer more than anyone else over the course of this story. No doubt, he won't come out of this unscarred.