Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed
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Date: 13 Sep 2022 01:52 Title: Part 6 - Last Grasp: 3
Author's Response: I've had a lot of fun turning Frobisher from a villain into a kind of hero in this tale. It's an interesting development and I think works particulalry well because of what has been established in previous stories about this character. It's also fun for me as a lot of these themes are coming full circle over a decade after these characters first premiered. I don't like to think of Star Eagle like a TV show, but if if it were, it be a one very long running show, or, perhaps more appropriately, a very long movie series.
Date: 13 Sep 2022 01:52 Title: Part 6 - Last Grasp: 3
Really liking the writing around Taz's long overdue anxiety attack. It really puts you in her headspace.
Wes Frobisher has become an unexpected favorite recurring character. Of all the doppelgangers, the Fros have the greatest variety - from stereotypical mad scientist to almost action hero. I really like the Matt/Wes relationship - something that Michael never seems to have understood. Like it or not, Wes is family and I'm looking forward to seeing Michael wrestling more with that.
Taz seems to have an instinctual distrust of Bensu that goes beyond Michael's cryptic warning. Bensu has been MIA of late, so that will be a character I'm eager to catch up with. I suspect he won't take his omission from the mission lightly...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I've had a lot of fun turning Frobisher from a villain into a kind of hero in this tale. It's an interesting development and I think works particulalry well because of what has been established in previous stories about this character. It's also fun for me as a lot of these themes are coming full circle over a decade after these characters first premiered. I don't like to think of Star Eagle like a TV show, but if if it were, it be a one very long running show, or, perhaps more appropriately, a very long movie series.