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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 13 Sep 2022 01:43 Title: Part 6 - Last Grasp: 2

There's a fun, doomed forever no-mance going between Michael and Maya. Every Maya and every Michael just never manage to get it together. This has the feeling of a manga - actually the makings of a decent Trek-manga. 

In fact, the entire series might make a really great graphic novel - assuming you could find the talent, negotiate the rights, arrange funding, retain an agent, a manager and a lawyer... Well - it would make a nice graphic novel.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: I'm not hugly into mangas, but a Trek-manga does sounds like fun. As does a graphic novel. But I guess you've just listed all the reasons that's likely never going to happen. I'm glad though that you are enjoying the Michael-Maya tragedy. Who knows, there may be a happy end for these guys in some universe out there.

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