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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01 Sep 2022 22:52 Title: Part 6 - Last Grasp: 1

Both Garla and Lif have done a lot of growing in this series. Not surprising for Lif - he's young. But for Garla to start exhibiting not just emotional, but apparently spiritual growth is a great surprise. There's a sense that she's finally beginning to find some peace - and in the most stressful situations she's ever known. It would be a riot if she were to turn into some sort of krellonian Buddha...

Meanwhile, Lif has to be realizing he is living his best Lif, having seen so many other versions who didn't run away turn out so poorly. He may not know it, but he's on the cusp of a spiritual revelation himself. He might become the leader his people need - but he's got a lot more growing to do.

Taz, on the other hand, isn't there yet. And she's been through the wringer even more than Garla. But it doesn't feel like she's about to flower - she seems beaten down. Deen might be the first to notice that Taz needs some support.

I'm liking very much how these character arcs are coming through so strongly in an action-packed adventure.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Garla becoming a Buddha-like figure? Not sure if that's in the cards, but I do like the idea. And you're right, that would be a hell of a turnaround for the character. Yeah, and Lif has definitely done some growing in QD, although it ain't over yet, so we'll see how much he's got left to do. Bit harsh on poor Taz. The lady's got a lot on her plate, I would argue more than Garla. Sure the latter had aspirations to change all of her society, but Tazla no doubt feels the weight of multiple universes on her shoulders. Awesome, analysis, thanks.

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