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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 24 Aug 2022 22:25 Title: Part 5 - Infiltration: 8

Garla is the consumate operative and this situation is testing her formidable skills to their limits. One thing Joss Wheden said about Avengers - "they can be as strong as they can be and it's still not enough - they have to learn they need each other."

It's a winning formula and nice to see you using it to such effect. Garla had developed a rough trust for Michael - conditionally. Now she has to learn to trust his people. And they have to learn to trust her. 

Really nice character moments with Deen and Tazla.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Thanks. I said before I think, Garla's journey in this trilogy is one of my favorites, and I'm glad she has resonated so well with you as well.

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