Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Jul 2022 00:04 Title: Part 5 - Infiltration: 5
Author's Response: So many possibilities, you could fill a book with alternate universe interpretations of the Trek universe ... or you know, three.
Date: 27 Jul 2022 00:04 Title: Part 5 - Infiltration: 5
Okay... I'm really looking forward to a Tyrantus - Michael meeting. That's going to be just wild... And the chance to get to know more about these odd borg 3.0... Are the borg borg everywhere? Or could they be really, really weird in some universes?
Also looking forward to how Taz is going to manage Maya (or vice-versa.)
Maybe one-armed Michael can figure out how to get his remaining hand on the latinum he found...
Definitely a new high in CJ cliffhangers! Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: So many possibilities, you could fill a book with alternate universe interpretations of the Trek universe ... or you know, three.