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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 20 Jul 2022 00:41 Title: Part 5 - Infiltration: 4

Katanga's being a bit of an ass here. I kind of think he's nervous and doesn't know what to do being so far out of control. Which has to be a new situation for an old man. In this setting he's kind of playing the role of a Greek Chorus, informing the audience of the ethical considerations that Taz has to take into account.

And a good old Mexican standoff between Taz and Maya... They have 5 minutes...

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Bit harsh on Katanga here, no? I think he simply remains true to his moral compass and his desire to cause as little harm as possible. Of course, all that feels like a rather moot point with the Borg armada swooping down on the place.

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