Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Jul 2022 00:32 Title: Part 5 - Infiltration: 2
Author's Response: Yeah, the family dynamic in story was a lot of fun to write and explore. The role reversal is an interesting aspect of this, I thought, as is how people can be so different based on their environment. We didn't see much of Matt Owens in the prime universe, but he mostly seemed like a good dude. Different story here, although the poor guy has been through quite a bit in a very short time.
Date: 20 Jul 2022 00:32 Title: Part 5 - Infiltration: 2
Interesting how this non-family keeps managing to be a family regardless of how they think they feel about one another. Really liking that Frobisher, after being presented as the antagonist early on in the series, is seen from another perspective as a family member. And Maya and Michael just can't get over each other in any universe.
Also really fun to get to know Matt, whom Michael had kind of put on a pedistal, is kind of an ass - which, recalling his earlier apperances, he pretty much is in any universe.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Yeah, the family dynamic in story was a lot of fun to write and explore. The role reversal is an interesting aspect of this, I thought, as is how people can be so different based on their environment. We didn't see much of Matt Owens in the prime universe, but he mostly seemed like a good dude. Different story here, although the poor guy has been through quite a bit in a very short time.