Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Jun 2022 23:05 Title: Part 4 - Roundabout Route: 7
Author's Response: There's probably a lot of Borg back story we're missing in this universe. But a lot of their MO should seem familiar, certainly their tenaciousness, and obsession with 010 that was mostly established in a Voyager episode, of course. It was also a central theme in my other story The God Particle (shameless plug).
Date: 21 Jun 2022 23:05 Title: Part 4 - Roundabout Route: 7
And here come the alt-borg. But these borg are a bit wierd compared to borg prime. They seem a bit more emotional and they like to play with their prey. But then, they've probably assimilated everything interesting to them, so they have to be after something else.
And of course there's Eli and Xylion playing out a classic Spock/McCoy dance.
Nice badguy dance with Tyrantus looming over the Eagle's crew - again a classic. The less screen time he has, the more presence he has in the story. Kind of like the Operative in Serenity. Or Darth Sideous in the 2nd prequel.
Thanks! rbs
Author's Response: There's probably a lot of Borg back story we're missing in this universe. But a lot of their MO should seem familiar, certainly their tenaciousness, and obsession with 010 that was mostly established in a Voyager episode, of course. It was also a central theme in my other story The God Particle (shameless plug).