Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jun 2022 01:31 Title: Part 4 - Roundabout Route: 3
Author's Response: Plus you get to do the cool Mission Impossible thing where you dramatically pull off the mask. Although, I don't think I've actually written that here. The ECHO is shamelessly stolen from very similar concepts. But I think it's a cool tool. It's certainly a great visual. You made a good point over at the TrekBBS. It's a bit gadgety, and one of those things that shows up once and then is never used again. Hopefully, I can find other uses for it in the future.
Date: 04 Jun 2022 01:31 Title: Part 4 - Roundabout Route: 3
I do love me some high-tech gadgetry. Holo-masks are far more convenient and maleable than prosthetic surgery. Speaking of toys - sweet gadget design and accompanying technobabble for the ECHO.
And So'Dan made a good command decision. Take a prisoner when you can...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Plus you get to do the cool Mission Impossible thing where you dramatically pull off the mask. Although, I don't think I've actually written that here. The ECHO is shamelessly stolen from very similar concepts. But I think it's a cool tool. It's certainly a great visual. You made a good point over at the TrekBBS. It's a bit gadgety, and one of those things that shows up once and then is never used again. Hopefully, I can find other uses for it in the future.