Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 May 2022 02:55 Title: Part 4 - Roundabout Route: 1
Author's Response: We'll have to see how having come face-to-face with other versions of himself is going to affect Lif. It's certainly not something he was prepared for. Of course, who would be? The theme of "what I could have been" is a big part of this trilogy.
Date: 13 May 2022 02:55 Title: Part 4 - Roundabout Route: 1
Garla just keeps calling it. A great frenemy - as both Maya and Fro are also proving to be. I'm a huge fan of well-written frenemies.
Lif seems to be VIP in every universe but his own. No doubt Lif Prime is a happier man than his various counterparts. As, apparently, is Michael - as much as the term happy could ever apply to him.
Really enjoying the Amagosa station - it's a setting that is a story character in and of itself. Particularly its rather grim and hopeless host and design.
And yet another CeJay cliffhanger...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: We'll have to see how having come face-to-face with other versions of himself is going to affect Lif. It's certainly not something he was prepared for. Of course, who would be? The theme of "what I could have been" is a big part of this trilogy.