Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 May 2022 20:08 Title: Part 3 - The Escape: 12
Author's Response: I agree that Katanga has not had enough to do in QD since the first novel. A shame, that. As for Tyrantus' demise, it was implied in this chapter that he was merely a holographic projection. So we may not have seen the last of him.
Date: 05 May 2022 20:08 Title: Part 3 - The Escape: 12
More Katanga please... I think I asked that before. He definitely delivers the goods in this chapter. “Perhaps the universe is really coming to an end after all.” I was waiting for him to add - "Too soon?"
So Michael isn't really a very good borgeyman - he's just not really borg material. But did the destruction of his cube spell his demise? Sic Semper Tyrantus?
Interesting clue in Tazla's dream - is she actually still picking up borg fm 101? Really gripping dream sequence - I was thinking, wait - is Tyrantus actually a changeling?
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I agree that Katanga has not had enough to do in QD since the first novel. A shame, that. As for Tyrantus' demise, it was implied in this chapter that he was merely a holographic projection. So we may not have seen the last of him.