Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Apr 2022 20:48 Title: Part 3 - The Escape: 11
Author's Response: Mixing it up with a little bit of action. I always liked the scene of Picard gunning down Borg with a tommy gun in the holodeck like some sort of bizarre sci-fi movie meets gangster flick. Hence Nora and the 49ers making use of projectile weapon hybrids. And Katanga gets another chance to show off his genius. Win-win. Thanks for the nice words.
Date: 25 Apr 2022 20:48 Title: Part 3 - The Escape: 11
Really liking these shorter, more focused chapters - particularly for action/impact. It really draws a line under the main point.
And this one is custom made to set up a throughline with my favorite of your characters - the cantankerous Katanga. I can't help but see veteran Brock Peters in that role - fighting fire with fire.
Really interested to see how Tazla morphs through this sequence...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Mixing it up with a little bit of action. I always liked the scene of Picard gunning down Borg with a tommy gun in the holodeck like some sort of bizarre sci-fi movie meets gangster flick. Hence Nora and the 49ers making use of projectile weapon hybrids. And Katanga gets another chance to show off his genius. Win-win. Thanks for the nice words.