Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed
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Date: 24 Mar 2022 02:46 Title: Part 3 - The Escape: 6
Author's Response: Thanks. We've heard a lot about the strange times we live in and how bizarre all our lives have become. But I have to say, as a writer of science fiction I find that things can always be a lot stranger than you think. Living through a pandemic and multiple lockdowns was one thing, dealing with alternate versions of yourself and people you know and love, now that's a trip.
Date: 24 Mar 2022 02:46 Title: Part 3 - The Escape: 6
<The situation was beyond bizarre in a time and a place where bizarre had become the new normal.> Great line.
I'm loving Michael wrestling with finding that he almost likes Fro 3.0 after a lifetime of hating the other versions - and not liking Matt 3.0, not trusting Jon 2.0 and being floored yet again by Maya... well I've lost count of how many versions of her have appeared.
But he's figured out the right song to sing for this version of Maya.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Thanks. We've heard a lot about the strange times we live in and how bizarre all our lives have become. But I have to say, as a writer of science fiction I find that things can always be a lot stranger than you think. Living through a pandemic and multiple lockdowns was one thing, dealing with alternate versions of yourself and people you know and love, now that's a trip.