Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Feb 2022 01:26 Title: Part 2 - Family of Strangers: 6
Author's Response: Yeah, I might have said it before, but I'm not big fan of long expositions, particularly when they are delivered through dialogue. But I guess when you're talking about the death of the entire multi-verse, I suppose you gotta take a moment to step back and ask some questions, maybe even try to answer some. Of course, time is not what they have here. Thanks for the comments, always appreciated.
Date: 11 Feb 2022 01:26 Title: Part 2 - Family of Strangers: 6
From infinite villain to expositionist - villains always get that role, but this is a really different spin on it. Looks like you decided to give Douglas Adams a run for his money. In the 5th book of his trilogy, he had aliens going throughout the multiverse destroying all the various Earths.
You've gone straight to destroying all the multiverses. I'd say that has to beat all disaster stories. But the kicker is that whoever is up to it seems to be doing it for liebenshram.
I have to agree with Michael - the creepy clicky aliens don't seem to be the most brilliant.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Yeah, I might have said it before, but I'm not big fan of long expositions, particularly when they are delivered through dialogue. But I guess when you're talking about the death of the entire multi-verse, I suppose you gotta take a moment to step back and ask some questions, maybe even try to answer some. Of course, time is not what they have here. Thanks for the comments, always appreciated.