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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 28 Jan 2022 22:35 Title: Part 2 - Family of Strangers: 4

Yeah - that was a really good fakeout!  I had figured some time ago that it was alt-Jarik, but alt-Jon took me totally by surprise. And it shouldn't have.

Very interested in alt-Matt, but it's alt-Fro who's the really interesting. I'm really impressed at how long you waited to spring alt-Jon on us. A long fuse with plenty of clues - but spaced out enough not to set off my alt-detector.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Hey thanks, glad that it came as such a surprise, always nice to see that a twist worked out well. And yes, this new revelation will certainly change the dynamic of things, particularly with these other players who have now entered the picture.

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