Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Jan 2022 06:23 Title: Part 2 - Family of Strangers: 3
Author's Response: Yeah, let's hope Hopkins has thought this through, right? Universes don't seem to be the most stable thing no more. As for Garla? Take no bets. This one's a wildcard. Thanks for the ongoing reviews.
Date: 21 Jan 2022 06:23 Title: Part 2 - Family of Strangers: 3
Interesting that no one addressed whether these alt-materials might vanish along with their universe if the Eagle were to survive a 3rd such incident - possibly taking out critical systems in a flash. I'm wondering if a clever engineer might have invented a creative workaround for such an eventuality.
I'm also wondering if Garla might covertly reach out to the local krellonians, creating yet more havoc... It seems like something she might be tempted to do. She's not really used to taking orders or accomodating Federation officials.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Yeah, let's hope Hopkins has thought this through, right? Universes don't seem to be the most stable thing no more. As for Garla? Take no bets. This one's a wildcard. Thanks for the ongoing reviews.