Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2021 21:20 Title: Part 1 - The Hard Hello: 9
Author's Response: I think he may have been partly inspired be Neelix and of course the original Hutchinson, the ill-fated commander of Arkaria Base back in the Die Hard-inspired TNG episode. Although Star Wars is probably a good read for this universe as well.
Date: 06 Dec 2021 21:20 Title: Part 1 - The Hard Hello: 9
Sweet character design on Hutch. Gives a bit of a Star Wars feel in the midst of the Trek universe (or a rather un-Trek universe...)
Which does seem a bit of a grim place. But not entirely hopeless - or Hutchport wouldn't be there.
Interesting to see what Star has up her sleeve to entice or strongarm the reluctant Hutch...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I think he may have been partly inspired be Neelix and of course the original Hutchinson, the ill-fated commander of Arkaria Base back in the Die Hard-inspired TNG episode. Although Star Wars is probably a good read for this universe as well.