Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Nov 2021 18:41 Title: Part 1 - The Hard Hello: 8
Author's Response: I have to admit I've never gotten into Farscape but that's certainly the theme I was going for. We'll have to see if/how DeMara will get over this experience. Hopefully it'll go better for them than on Farscape.
Date: 28 Nov 2021 18:41 Title: Part 1 - The Hard Hello: 8
I particularly like the tension between DeMara and Michael. It brings to mind a scene at the end of the Farscape "Crackers Don't Matter" episode - after John had (under the influence of the light bringer) badly mistreated Chiana they wanted to find a way back to their friendship, but there was no way back.
Even though it was a different Michael, DeMara's seen what is definitely posible - what Michael could become.
Interesting that Michael could be a conduit for this thing. Lots of interesting threads left hanging... I'm wondering if they found another of Frobisher's cannons on Arkaria...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I have to admit I've never gotten into Farscape but that's certainly the theme I was going for. We'll have to see if/how DeMara will get over this experience. Hopefully it'll go better for them than on Farscape.