Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Oct 2021 12:06 Title: Part 1 - The Hard Hello: 3
Author's Response: Yeah, get the hell out of Dodge for now, and then try figure who is who and what is what.
Date: 16 Oct 2021 12:06 Title: Part 1 - The Hard Hello: 3
Still not back in Kansas yet. However, considering what happened to all the alt-Kansases they've been visiting, maybe they don't want to get home until they figure out how to put a stop to whetever uber-sociopath they're dealing with.
Of course they have to survive the krellonions and the Dominion first. But then, these alt-gym'hadar might only be interested in welcoming them with tea and crumpets. You never know - different universe - maybe friendly gym'hadar? That would be a scream...
Yeah - not likely - they're probably better off taking their chances with Amagosa.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Yeah, get the hell out of Dodge for now, and then try figure who is who and what is what.