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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 21 Sep 2022 09:56 Title: Chapter Twelve

Really liking the barratry - though at a breathtakingly inconvenient moment. But then, hiding a conspiracy from Section 31 is probably impossible, so giving her minimal time to react is probably best. Particularly liking the crew's assessment of Lar'ragos.

Trust the romulans to throw a monkey-wrench into the works. I knew it had to be exceptionally unwise to leave the Baroness (as she now styles herself) unattended.

However bad things may get, never assume they can't get any worse...

Although it could be that Sandhurst's warning may have forestalled complete disaster. Nice cliffhanger ending for this series.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response:

I'm very pleased you've enjoyed the story. Thank you so much for your in-depth reviews!

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