Date: 18 Oct 2021 20:11 Title: Chapter 20
Fairly common for young people to take umbrage when others care for them. And there is a difference between courage on the battlefield and courage in social settings...
Interesting that Var presents a deadly challenge to Lar'ragos - until the timely arrival of the cavelry.
Superb description of the landscape and how it is destroyed - along with the functionality for which the water reclamation system is designed. That design is some really good sci-fi. Vivid - but there is a believable and interesting purpose to the design.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Thank you for the kind words. I wanted to try and paint as vivid a picture as possible of the battlefield and the action taking place there. It's gratifying to know I succeeded.
Lar'ragos, despite retaining his 'cheats' had stopped the physical and martial training that he'd maintained since his time with the Hekosian military. Var was simply too strong, too fast, and too brutal for this softer Lar'ragos to counter.