Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Sep 2021 19:44 Title: Prologue: Set the World on Fire - 3
Author's Response: Agree. There is at least one sci-fi novel that has sleeves as a central concept. It was made into a halfway decent Netflix series, Altered Carbon. This story will go into a slightly different direction. Thanks for the comments.
Date: 25 Sep 2021 19:44 Title: Prologue: Set the World on Fire - 3
The concept of "sleeves" gives you the opportunity to tell a long story in a few relatively short chapters as the same characters can observe global change over time.
So is Bensu now become the "universe taker?" Or has he become more benign over time? Very interesting character twist - exactly the opposite of what I was expecting - nice!
Too bad about missing out on the opportunity for a side story about gender fluidity - perhaps a short story focusing on this in the future? Considering it would be entirely marketable to paying outlets...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Agree. There is at least one sci-fi novel that has sleeves as a central concept. It was made into a halfway decent Netflix series, Altered Carbon. This story will go into a slightly different direction. Thanks for the comments.