Reviews For Uncertainty Principle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Sep 2021 09:32 Title: Prologue: Set the World on Fire - 2
Author's Response: I agree, it's a fascinating concept and gives whole new meaning to the term gender fluidity. I have to be honest, I'm not sure what the ramifications of such a society would be in the long run, and no doubt one could fill an entire book on that. Sadly, not this one. The dilemma of not earnestly pursuing a space program was based on a quote, I forgot by whom, about the fate of mankind resting on our ability to be able to populate other worlds.
Date: 20 Sep 2021 09:32 Title: Prologue: Set the World on Fire - 2
I'm really hoping we get to see some of the ramifications in this culture for a transexual transformation - since it can evidently be acomplished to a much greater degree than humanly possible. Even if it's only a quick beat in a much larger story - the opportunity provided to look at that from another perspective is enormous.
So her old friend evidently had a purpose in sleeving... It looks like he has devoted everything to this project.
This side/background story is a tremendous cautionary for our current culture. We know this universe will soon enough snuff our species out, but to turn away from space travel seems to me like giving up without a fight.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I agree, it's a fascinating concept and gives whole new meaning to the term gender fluidity. I have to be honest, I'm not sure what the ramifications of such a society would be in the long run, and no doubt one could fill an entire book on that. Sadly, not this one. The dilemma of not earnestly pursuing a space program was based on a quote, I forgot by whom, about the fate of mankind resting on our ability to be able to populate other worlds.